Nejnovější update UTM 9.602 je již dostupný
Sophos vydal před pár dny nový update UTM s označením 9.602.
V první fázi si můžete stáhnout aktualizační balík ze stránek firmy SOPHOS. V té druhé fázi se bude rozšiřovat prostřednictvím Serverů Up2Date a zobrazí se v konzoli Vašeho FW.
Tento update doporučujeme instalovat, protože řeší velké množství chyb:
- NUTM-10728 [Access & Identity] Race condition on configuration change of RED device
- NUTM-9877 [Access & Identity] Configurable RADIUS timeout for L2TP over IPsec
- NUTM-10190 [Basesystem] CVE-2018-15473: OpenSSH username enumeration
- NUTM-10362 [Email] MIME type detection doesn’t work as expected – header Content-Type always considered
- NUTM-10480 [Email] Mail Based XSS in Sophos UTM 9
- NUTM-10484 [Email] POP3 Proxy stops working sometimes
- NUTM-10545 [Email] Update SPX placeholder description
- NUTM-10521 [Logging] /tmp partition getting full when using livelog
- NUTM-10291 [Network] DNS Host object not updated/unresolved
- NUTM-10460 [Network] GeoIP dropping traffic from allowed region
- NUTM-10537 [Network] Additional IP address on a bridge interface exist in back-end even after deleting it
- NUTM-10536 [RED] Wifi traffic on the internal RED15w AP is always routed through the RED tunnel
- NUTM-10594 [RED] RED50 disconnects randomly
- NUTM-10595 [Sandstorm] Sandbox Activity Tab not accessible due to license error
- NUTM-10852 [Sandstorm] Sandboxd complaining on missing column in database/sqlite
- NUTM-10626 [WAF] Let’s Encrypt certificate renewal fails because of failing terms of service check
- NUTM-10644 [WAF] mod_session_cookie does not respect expiry time (CVE-2018-17199)
- NUTM-10661 [WAF] SSL redirect broken for wildcard certificates
- NUTM-10322 [Web] Proxy crash with coredump on UTM 9.508
- NUTM-10633 [Web] New web templates for content warn does not work in 9.6
- NUTM-10657 [Web] httpproxy uses up all CPUs in peak hours, resulting in slow browsing
- NUTM-10668 [Web] Quota relevant web page are accessible when using AD SSO
- NUTM-10758 [Web] Application Control – Skiplist not working for destination IP
- NUTM-10546 [Wireless] Updating to 9.6 GA with REDw devices causes corrupt payload and AP becomes inactive